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When Sean and Aja had the time, they went back to visit Sapadt in the barracks. Little Sundai was growing rapidly, but the clutch at the normal sands at Lantessama had yet to hatch. Until ...

Sundai wants to see the hatching, Aja said.

I can speak for myself you know! Sundai stuck her tongue out at the delicate christmas colored dragon.

"Well we can all go, then," Sean laughed. Sapadt bolted out, and Aja followed peacefully after.

"Did you see that?" people said, murmuring at the speed of the bunny dragon. Sean sat up where she could get a good view of the candidates. There were bunches of them, mostly human, but a couple elves and others. And the eggs were shaking pretty well.

The lump in Sapadt's throat that had gathered felt so odd to him. He hadn't felt this way for... well, centuries. The excitement of the hatching was getting to him.

As the eggs started to hatch, he looked not at them, but up at the stands for Sean and her distinctive ears. He found them, alongside the red ones of her little bunnydragon.

Smiling, then he got back to watching. Several dragonets had hatched and bonded, but none had bothered to come to him yet. Then...

Two coppers broke from one egg, which made the hatchlings and eggs match the number of people waiting. The first of the coppers walked directly to Sapadt. He flaired his wings, flapping them hard enough to blow sand at the man's eyes.

"My name is Birth," he said, and then half-distracted, he added, "where are my playmates?"

This took Sapadt by surprise. He had long been a master of the undead, lord over skeletal things and the like... But ... he'd never been a father - not until now, with Sean's pregnancy begining to show. And he'd have to figure out how to play.

Birth would help, that was certain!

"Let's go find them," he said, with confidence. They left the sands, and Sean met them with a big grin on her wide muzzle.

"He's beautiful!" She said, throwing her arms around him. "And you looked so nervous! Now you know what it's like!"

"I know a lot, now," he said, "such as, Birth here is very hungry..."

"That's why they have these," Sean held up a bowl with chunks of hatchling-handy meat.

"Then let's find those others," Sapadt promised the copper who seemed very eager indeed to finish and play.

