He spent too much time outside, in the cold. Whenever he came home, his wife would scold him.

“It’s so cold out there, stay here for a while.”

It would only be cold half the year, but he couldn’t wait to get home this time. His hunting had been good, his sales of fur and meat very prosperous. So Jidox knew that the upcoming Spring would be relaxing.

Even more so, because this year, his wife had a surprise. It hadn’t stopped her in early Fall, from making love to him just as passionately as they had several months before – but now, when he came home her belly was broad and her smile was just as wide.

“We’ll live well this year,” he promised her, placing a well-earned crate on the floor. She watched him unload goods from their cart, and nodded.

“Our child will have the best, I think a boy – he kicks me when I say he’s a girl – and he’s ready to pop out. I’m so glad you came home early,” she snuggled up to Jidox. It made him so proud, he would have a fine son to carry on his work!

He set about making a loft to their home, felling logs and gathering pitch. The floor’s height made him duck, but they could put supplies under it instead of their table. He bought material, needles, thread – things for his wife to use for their new baby.

“He’ll be born just as the sun stays out,” his wife commented, rocking in a chair and sewing. That made Jidox even more happy - the boy would be healthy and sound by next Winter, no worries about too-cold a house.

“There are rumors of dragons,” Jidox said, “I wonder… I wonder…”


Name: Jidox

Gender: Male

Height: 5'8"

Hair: Brown

Eyes: Brown

Strengths: physically healthy, very sturdy and can stand long bouts in the cold; confident, smart but not brilliant, very easy to like, enjoys simple things and good conversation

Weaknesses: very protective, a little thick headed about certain things, doesn't plan ahead too far

Abilities: an expert hunter and trapper, has terrific local lore and land skills, knows how to find people when they're lost, able to wrestle even large animals without getting too hurt


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