Send a thought, image, link or whatnot, to Apogee!

Please include your email address and your id, whatever information you'd like to give, and a pleasant message. Flaming or spam will not be tolerated. In fact, it's pretty stupid to flame me. Why? I flame back. And I get servers to delete accounts breaking their TOS.

Since there are so darn many spammers out there and bots a'crawling looking for such things, I will NOT have a direct link on my site for my email. It's just silly to subject myself to such things. So.

Remove the spaces, please!

lethe @ droppin-the-fork . com

Then please include a subject line that's relevant. If you're including an image, please SAY so on the email and include it as an attachment only.

If you're sending me info about where you've placed a doll or used my bases, please oh please point me to the image ON ITS PAGE, not your main site. I don't really wish to wade through tons of other things - though I will of course, once I've found it. With your permission I will include your dollz in the ELVES section in their own page, with links back to your creative sites.