Social Skill

Aside from the fact that any ugly, charismatic dweeb can be anything in this game... Without the proper Social Skills, they will still make an utter fool of themself at a party. This skill is not necessarily useless for those who don't attend such things either: it is a measure of their personal take on socializing. It shows who they are best put around, where they are comfortable, and if beer nuts really do go with champagne.

Low Social Skill can be held by even the best among High Holders. It isn't usually, but it can. These are the people to watch out for. They're awful. A Slave with the same skill level will come across as a "perfect" little dear. They're expected to.

Most Zekirans Social Skill scores are around 50-60. They get by in their own settings, feel uncomfortable addressing a party of High Holders, and they generally don't want to presume they are better than their Bonds.

High Social Skills have been taken to a true art form by certain members of society... Don't get caught in their crossfire if you've anything less than 90...