Stock in Trade 2
Djeck wanted to know what to do with the Slaves. Always uncomfortable
in terms of buying and selling them (Hard Stock law was one of his poorest
subjects when he was still in school and it had never gotten any easier
for him), he wished they'd just manage to ... well, manage themselves.
It wasn't like the Bonder laws, which he was quite good at. He knew how
to move money from one person to the next. Just, when it got to be more
money than the person could actually make in the rest of their lifetime,
he became a bit uncomfortable.
While his father still lived, Djeck let him take all the care of the Slaves.
But now that both his parents had grown old and died, and he was their
eldest, he was the one to execute their estate. He looked around with
displeasure. Not because of the people he saw, but because he was the
one having to do all this annoying paperwork. He was much better with
people than paper.
He looked out and saw the aged Hallam, his own Slave by many years. Yes,
he'd gotten into trouble again and again, and simply put he was happier
when he didn't have to worry about money. He put his life in Djeck's hands,
and was nearby because this was the homestead he'd helped to build. He
lived here in the sunset of his days, and Djeck knew he wouldn't mind
being buried here when the time came.
Djeck looked over his own children, Naadja and Khadja - both girls, and
both with their own daughters attending. They were his pride and his joy,
in that order: Naadja took after him in all ways save his arms, she was
a well-placed Breeder among their peers, and was expected to follow her
grandmother's example of extending the knowledge of these new genes their
generation was starting to show. She'd learned so well that Djeck had
to seek out other instructors to keep her occupied. Kaadja took after
her mother Naakha, who was a beast-tuned psionicist with semi-feline features
to her. Naakha didn't much care for Steeds, but she did enjoy every other
aspect of animals from their environments to their uses in the field.
Naadja's young daughter Jeed was casually interested in Breeding, but
had all the powers and effects of one already. Though she had never met
Davali she looked quite like her, and carried a similar power to perceive
the general health and welfare, emotions and state of a patient long before
even asking their name. Khadja and her husband land Holder Milfee had
a little powerhouse of activity on their hands in the shape of Mafek -
the girl didn't sit still for more than half an hour unless there was
an animal in front of her, and particularly if it was a bug. Young, too
young to really inherit yet, she and her cousin were led out with some
of the other children to wait it out.
He saw his extended family: sister Kraval and brother Valji, Kraval's
young child Rallof and Valji's pair of Laila and Jarl. His cousins and
such, and some people whom his parents had gotten used to having around
in their age. All of them looked to him. He played with his lower arms'
hands below the big dark desk that had been his mother's way back when.
With his upper arms, though, he shuffled the paperwork around until he
was satisfied. "I'm meant to break up the possessions and stock as
best I can," he announced at last. "So I guess this means I
have to start asking who can and cannot legally Own, and who would be
most comfortable with which properties."
The bickering went on for a little while, but not nearly so long as other
families he'd heard of. And this was a blessing, because their family
was quite large as far as Zekirans went. Most might have a wife and a
mistress and if they were very lucky a child or grandchild to attend.
Finally it was settled that along with Khadja's, Valji's family would
inherit the Steed farm and several spare animals here and there, while
Kraval's side would mostly maintain the clinic with Djeck and Naadja.
Kraval took strongly after their mother, but with her six year old Rallof
to tend to, she would be waiting to take over any real duties for a bit.
Djeck was humbly willing to take only what he thought was appropriate,
portions of a homestead and land, as well as controlling interest in the
clinics that his mother had established in several small villages across
Curra. Others would get money, items, pets, Steeds here and there, the
Slaves mostly went to Djeck and Kraval, since they had the most money
and best uses for having permanent servants ... And pretty much everyone
went home happy.
Hallam remained to help clean up the rooms that the mass of people had
mussed up. Chairs everywhere, drinks and food of course had been served,
and the bored children had had to be sequestered into a room where they
weren't bothered by the droning of legalese. Hallam had never sired a
child, but with working in a Breeder's home he almost felt like he had
some times.
"It's hard to believe that father of yours is finally out of the
betting pool," Hallam said. "Maybe now it's safe for me to become
a Worker again."
Djeck laughed and laughed...
Mafek didn't understand why her mother kept taking her away from the
farm. She was a grown young lady, all of seventeen, and didn't like being
told what to do or where to do it.
She especially didn't like being told that she couldn't see that nice
red-skinned farm hand as often as she wanted. He was so ... well, strong
and muscular, with limbs taut and a sheen of sweat over his skin. The
way he talked to her told her he was much smarter than his Owners thought
he was. As a Slave, of course, he would never be allowed to come visit
her - but since Mafek had the family's money on her hands...
Mafek grumbled in the carriage on the way back to their own farm. "I
don't see what's the problem. He's a nice man. It's not like he's trying
to sully me or make you buy him or anything."
Khadja looked away, "well, at least you acknowledge that he's a Slave,
"Is that what this is about? I thought you were better than that,"
Mafek snarled. She very nearly jumped from the carriage onto the road
right then. She had the good sense in her head not to do so.
"... I thought I was too, but Mafek you must understand. We've enough
Slaves to go around, and he would have nothing to do. I cannot arrange
a breeding pair with him, his Owner isn't willing to do that."
"How do you know, you've asked her?!" Mafek erupted, and almost
stood in her seat. "You're discussing my personal-"
"We discussed the fact that you quite like him, and he seems rather
taken with you as well. But it would just not be practical to allow anything
further." Khadja said, placing her arms across her chest in a manner
which indicated she was done speaking about this.
Mafek fumed, not daring to look back to her mother, lest she say something
nasty. Instead she glared outside at the landscape. Home toward Mada was
always so boring, she thought. She filled her mind with images of her
'lover', Dest. He wasn't that much older than she, perhaps in his thirties
if that. And considering the length of lifespan she knew she'd have, she
could wait. She wasn't all that sure about him.
There had to be a way to send him a private message. She so wanted to
find out what he thought they should do. He seemed so wise, and so genuine
in his words. She didn't want to just vanish on him, that was certain.
But how? Perhaps cousin Rallof could arrange something. He was quite good
in his field, harkening back to their grandsire (and great-grandsire in
Mafek's case) Jakran in his courier work. He had no intention of becoming
a jockey, however, he liked cycles and airlift jets just as much as Steeds.
But could he send a private message to a Slave, that was the question...
"Why would you do this? For me? This is crazy!" Dest said,
over the engine's noise. Eight years after her fateful decision, Mafek
managed to convince her cousin Rallof that she needed a vehicle capable
of ... well, stealing a Slave. He knew that his younger cousin was crazy,
but she was also crazy in love with this Dest. What was best was that
he apparently thought the same for her - and that was the only reason
he agreed to help. He'd be standing before the same judge when they were
caught, of course, but they could blame it all on Mafek's young idealism
and all that rubbish.
Besides, it was great fun.
Dest clung on to Mafek's slender waist, refraining from screaming his
head off. Mafek was grinning ear to ear, wearing a pair of Rallof's goggles
that bunched her golden-green hair up all funny.
When they finally arrived at a location that Mafek had secretly bought,
Rallof bid them a hasty farewell. "I've got to make sure I'm at Spim
village in two hours - it's my alibi. I don't know what yours will be
but," he grinned at his little cousin and her surprised friend, "good
They watched him leave on his little jumper jet, a tiny two-person platform
with hoverjets and a windscreen and barely anything else on it (hence
why Dest was so terrified, being the third person on a craft designed
for only two...). He vanished into the distance, and would make Spim in
no time. No one knew that he'd stuck a Steed out near Spim so he could
have "flown" in on one. He had left Mada on his black one, found
his cousin waiting with the jumper jet, headed off to steal a Slave, then
would retrieve another Steed to haul the jet back later on. It was all
very complex. Maybe it would make the history books or even a vid some
Or, maybe, Dest and Mafek would live their lives out in solitude and peace?
Probably not, Rallof thought as he zipped away. But it was worth the try.
Mafek hugged her friend and told him, "I've saved enough money if
it comes down to buying you off of that witch," and she noticed how
much more snugly he held her after that.
"But this place? It's ... nice, but it's in the middle of nowhere."
Dest looked around them. The locale was just south of the major forest
that covered the foothills of Polaen. East of Mada by perhaps two hundred
miles, northeast of Spim by another six hundred. The area was well hidden,
with a canopy of tall dark trees but a good dappling of sunlight lay splayed
over the ground below. A temporary shelter had been brought in, but it
was clear to Dest that Mafek intended them to actually build a homestead
"I ... notice that you didn't provide yourself with a vehicle to
leave here," Dest announced after a moment of examination. "Did
you bring tools, then?"
At that, Mafek skipped happily to a smaller shed, and on opening it Dest
saw a variety of blades, hammers, chisels, levels... pretty much everything
he'd be needing. He had built walls before - a porch for his Lady Owner,
and some smaller projects. Now, would be his true test.
Mafek somehow lured animals to their shelter, small ones, which they cooked
over an open fire, and might possibly use to trade their furs in a village
some distance away.
"Mama! Mama!" Bawled a tiny child to Mafek. Blearily, the young
woman hugged her daughter to her side.
"What is it Steffa?" Mafek grumbled.
"The big rats in my dream again... They were really close and they
smelled bad and there was a man with them."
Mafek sat bolt upright in her bed, jostling Dest but he was a sound sleeper.
"Steffa sweet heart, tell me just what you saw. Quietly." Mafek
said, that was their cue to go onto a private telepathic link so they
wouldn't bother Dest. Steffa had always been prone to having visions,
dreams which would become reality, and she was quite well tuned to the
animals of this northern forest - Hern rats being one of them. Those were
the type in her dream.
This was no dream. There were always people out looking for escaped Slaves
like Dest. Panic gripped Mafek's heart and she held on to Steffa in a
fierce hug. "Steffa, do you see the sun in your dream? Where is it?"
Steffa paused, and though she was but four years old she could sort out
her own thoughts quite well. "That way," she pointed, west.
Then from Mada the danger would come. It was time to wake Dest, and tell
him that perhaps that little nook up in the hills was a better place for
their homestead after all. He'd wanted to move to a more secluded area
before, even though they had already selected another spot to build their
first real home. The area where the temporary shelter had been assembled
was too small for a proper house to go up.
When Dest had been told of this news, his broad shoulders slumped. "It's
going to be hard work, winter is coming on quickly this year." He
got himself out of their warm bed and stretched. Mafek had never lost
her fascination with him - he was so handsome and sweet and smart... She
hoped that she hadn't disappointed him in any way. After all she'd chosen
this life for them, not really giving him a choice at all. When he'd dressed
and gathered up his tools to start working on that cavern-home, Steffa
came to her mother.
"Why are you so sad, mama? Daddy's making a new house for us!"
Steffa seemed so pleased to have this new place, but she still didn't
quite understand the theory behind why Dest - and her mother, for that
matter - were wanted by men with hern rats.
Eight years and three homes later, the law finally caught up with Dest
and Mafek. Their second child, a boy they named Ked, had barely begun
to walk when the snarling, baying sounds of the Hern rat patrol came from
the canyon below.
"We know you're there. You must come peaceably or else we'll send
the rats after you." Called a burly man - fit for tending an entire
family of the huge waist-high rodents.
In the house, which was effectively sheltered from view below by the canyon
wall's edge, and from above by another higher one, Mafek hugged her tiny
son to her chest, while Steffa clung on to her skirt. Dest appeared with
a grim face, but a calm had taken him long before. He'd been resigned
to this some day. His greater worry was that he would never be allowed
to see his children again.
Imagine that. Two children - young and strong, powerful and clearly smart.
And his - a slave's children. Meaning only one thing to Dest. That some
day, those children and he would surely be parted whether he had a say
in it or not. Mafek trembled when he placed his sturdy red hand on her
Their daughter's woodsy-red-brown skin contrasted beautifully with her
brilliant orange-yellow hair, her huge red-framed yellow eyes looked so
slightly catlike. Her grandmother's mutation, apparently. Ked was a softer
shade of brown-green, and his eyes would change color in the sunlight
- he so loved being out and about. But not right now. He was restless,
but his innate empathy had already caught on that this was a dire situation
"We should go." Dest picked up a coarsely woven blanket that
Ked slept most of his life in, and wrapped it about the boy as a cloak.
He then looked about for something - anything - that Steffa had to bring
with her.
A wooden toy - he knew that she hadn't played with it in a long while,
but it hadn't broken in the years she had enjoyed it. She took it with
her eyes cast downward, but he picked up her chin. "It's a new adventure.
And think of this, Steffa, your powers are strong. You let us know so
many times - we'd have been caught years before now if not for you."
She nodded, and they exited the rocky homestead.
When they'd descended the steep path down to the canyon floor, where the
group of Hern rats and their tenders, as well as three other people waited,
Steffa took one look at the man and simply started screaming and screaming...
Shaken, suddenly, the man had to control the rats with a tug of their
short leashes. "What's got into that girl?" He asked, worried.
"What's wrong with her?"
Mafek barely shielded herself and her son from Steffa's wild psionic sendings.
"It's you!" She yelled, "you've plagued her dreams for
a decade or more, and now here you are in the flesh!"
Steffa gripped her father's shoulders as he picked her up, she was still
wailing. Her eyes were wedged shut and tears streamed down her dark face.
Dest tried to calm her, but his own powers weren't nearly enough to combat
this trauma.
Two of the other people nearby were all but strangers to Mafek, but Dest
knew them all too well. His Lady Owner Szhe, and her head Slave Faranat.
The third member of the team, Khadja.
Her stern eyes drifted over the group, wincing a bit at the sharp cries
of the child.
Mafek knew that something - something bad - had to have made her this
way. She never knew her mother to be so stern or angry looking. Perhaps
it was just her running away with Dest. But more likely it was something
else entirely.
Her mother's mind was sealed - her own telepathic power had strengthened
over the years they'd been apart.
"Come along, Mafek. Slave Dest, you're going back with them. I consider
this fiasco over." Khadja said flatly.
Mafek's heart skipped. "Mother - you-"
"Over," Khadja spat again, and turned. There was a hover vehicle
nearby, a quiet one which none of the family members had heard come up
over the canyon ridge. It was fit for several people, and another one
lay a little farther away, the one which held the Hern rats and keeper.
"The children are mine," claimed Szhe, sharply. "Come.
You're far too old to be crying like that, and you'll need to be trained
for your work."
She demanded that Steffa be handed off to her. And though he was afraid
for his life, Dest stood firmly.
"You'll not have my children. They were born Holders, and Holders
they shall stay. Mafek?"
Though she was small by comparison to her partner, Mafek could still hold
on to the year-old Ked on one shoulder, and take their daughter onto her
other arm.
"Mafek! Give the children to their Owner. Now." Khadja said.
Her voice was a warning growl, her catlike eyes narrowed and sharp.
Mafek turned. Slowly, she turned a look of outright surprise and fear
into one of pure anger.
"How dare you insist any such thing?! My children are not to be bartered!"
"They already have been, miss," said the tall, overly muscled
Faranat. "Now come hand them here."
Her anger turned on this Slave and manifested suddenly as a wall of painful
psionic energy. He reeled, moving back a few steps and holding his hands
to his head.
"You stay away from my babies!" She shrieked. By this time,
Steffa's wailing had toned down to a constant whimpering, but had never
stopped entirely. They were cut silent by this event.
Khadja moved forward, apparently immune to her daughter's wrathful broadcast.
"Mafek, you've been found guilty of Hard Stock theft. Harboring a
renegade Slave, and several other charges already. You're going to add
assault to a superior Status to that?"
"He's superior to me? In what way?!" Demanded the young woman.
"... Mafek, you're ..." Khadja started, but her exterior of
smooth dominance started to waver. "You are considered a rogue -
less than a renegade in any courtroom. Anything they do with you now is
legal. Do you understand? Lady Szhe will take care of the children as
a trade for your life. That's the only option."
"I have enough money to pay for-"
"No, you do not," Szhe spat. "Not nearly enough. Not even
with thirteen years worth of interest added. Do you know how much it cost
me to have Dest engineered? Your simple Breeder aunt never explained it
to you?" Her tone was insulting enough, but the words even stung
Khadja. She didn't let it show. "Dest is the result of decades of
selection. And you took him from me just before I was going to be starting
a project which would utilize the very features he had been bred for.
In case you hadn't noticed, he's able to work any kind of land imaginable.
Rocks, grassland, trees, dirt. He's a terraformer, you dolt! You cannot
imagine how much more you'd have to pay to buy him!"
Mafek's eyes widened, hurt and amazed at this all. Dest tried to go to
her side to comfort her, but Faranat got in his way. One look of warning,
admittedly a red-eyed one from Mafek's attack, but one look and he backed
away. He'd been struck many times by those powerful hands, even though
it was more than a decade before he remembered clearly.
"Give them up, or they'll..." The Hern rat master started out
gruffly, but couldn't finish his statement.
"Mafek, if you come with me right now, and give the children to Lady
Szhe, you'll probably be given only a lighter sentence because of the
children." Explained her mother. She'd obviously been over this time
and again in her mind or even with lawyers. "But... They're authorized
to hunt you down, Mafek," she indicated the Rat master.
"No!" Interjected Dest, "No - you can't do that!"
A glaring grey eye from his Lady almost shut him up, but Dest was ready
to defend his mate properly.
"Mafek," he said, "there's always time later. Do what they
ask now. I can't bear the thought of you -" He couldn't even finish
the statement.
"Being eaten alive by Hern rats?" Szhe did it for him. "It's
far more than she deserves. Get in the hovervan, Slave. Now. Take the
children with you, or I'll allow them to be eaten as well. They are after
all, my property to be dealt with as I see fit."
She turned, and held her hand up in an 'I'm waiting' gesture. Faranat
took that as his cue to brave Mafek's mental burn again, which sadly she
couldn't quite muster this time. Ked was handed off to his father, so
he didn't much make a peep.
"Why is that girl always so quiet?" Asked one of the Bayaran
of Steffa. Another shrugged and kept shoveling.
Steffa stared directly ahead as she did her work, mechanically. She held
up a stone to the light, saw that it was of the right smoothness to use
in a homestead, and placed it on the cart with others just like it. This
back-breaking work was far too hard for most Slaves her age, but no one
questioned Szhe's decision. If anything, they commended her - because
it gave the girl a chance to at least be in the same camp as her father.
Ked wasn't so lucky. Since he was so young when he was Slaved, he was
to be raised with a foster mother like the others among Szhe's broods,
and educated to his Station. He would never know his family, nor how to
use his powerful psionics. Not if Szhe had anything to say about it.
Another big rock, perhaps a little too shiny in places, was put on the
cart. Steffa didn't complain that her back hurt. She never said anything
about her bloody hands. Her shoulders were tired, achy. They never stopped
bunching up, even when she was resting or asleep. Her catlike eyes remained
focused on the stones she picked up. Her lips were sorely dry, and she
would work herself to death if it weren't for the kindness of one of the
older Bayaran tending the workers.
"You've got to stop this, Steffa," he said, holding out a cup
with fresh water in it. She took it with the same mechanical action that
her work used, and said nothing in return. When their shifts were over,
she sat in the shade next to the other exhausted Slaves. They would be
brought into their temporary housing when everyone else was done out there.
Other Slaves and Bayaran would mend their clothing, tell stories, or quietly
gripe about their situation in this time. Some tended their wounds, yet
others lay staring at the sky wishing and wanting.
Everyone knew where Steffa had come from. Everyone had tried to ask her
things about the free life. Not one had ever gotten a response. The fourteen
year old girl withdrew even from her father's conversations. Hardly a
day went by that he did not try to converse with her, get her to talk
or open up, or even act like his daughter. She simply did not respond.
Some Bayaran would taunt her and insult her, calling her stupid or slow,
but those who had been there a year before when she came on with her father
would silence them quickly enough.
But not even Dest would talk about Mafek. She had not been allowed to
come with them, as a Slave herself - Szhe insisted that she be tried as
a criminal and she wanted nothing to do with criminals. She of course
never said what the outcome of that trial was. Information like that was
kept from her Slaves, naturally. It wasn't their place to worry about
such things.
"He didn't mean to! It was an accident!" Cried a Bayaran of
his brother. "She never says anything! He didn't know she'd care!"
Though he was growing a bit past his prime for the job, Faranat was still
Lady Szhe's enforcer, still well-muscled and sleek, and looked upon the
Bayaran who'd raped Steffa. His gruff voice carried in the barracks. "Did
not mean to take the girl by force? Excuse me but last I heard, one's
meant to ask before doing any such things, and getting a response is rather
important don't you think?"
Other people muttered, 'didn't think she'd mind?' 'he'd always been randy.'
'served the girl right for not protesting.' and 'if it was me, I'd have
slugged him good.'. Faranat glanced around, and the various Slaves and
Bayaran silenced themselves.
"She hasn't deserved any of this," he announced, "and I'd
consider your brother to be permanently bonded, boy. This kind of thing
isn't looked upon well by our Lady."
The brother of the offending man stood in complete sickened silence. They'd
been bonded because their deadbeat of a mother had blown everything they
owned on a losing Steed, and then gone out and killed herself. Leaving
them with the bill - and now this?
But Faranat was already outside with Steffa in his arms being carried
out to the infirmary. He wouldn't hear any protests or complaints, he
was clearly on the 'girl's' side. The girl in question was now a middle
aged woman - and had never said more than one or two words in the entire
time she was Szhe's Slave.
"Caught him in the act, I did," he told the healer present.
"Felt compelled to head to the barracks."
Faranat told him how he'd been walking by the new paved road and felt
something tingling, just the edge of something amiss. Headed toward the
barracks, and caught the Bayaran named Xemai as he was pinning Steffa
to her cot and in the act of forcing her to comply with his sexual desires.
He'd immediately broken the younger man off her, passing him off to several
concerned Slaves nearby, who took him off to another area for the time
"Well it was a good thing you did, then," the Breeder said,
nodding. "Lucky for the girl."
"I knew he was going to do it," said a hoarse voice - clearly
female, and clearly Steffa's. "So I told you to come. I needed you
to help me, and you came."
While the healer stood in confounded silence, Faranat seemed a bit more
knowledgeable about it, and sat down next to her.
"This is the most I've ever heard you speak, Steffa," he said.
"I knew you were a foreteller - your father spoke highly of your
abilities, that's why you weren't discovered until later. But... Why didn't
you try to avoid it, if you could see it?"
Steffa's red-lined yellow eyes met his, the first genuine contact they'd
had in decades. "My power only tells me what will happen, not how
to try avoiding it. I'd seen you, when I was little. And that bitch Szhe,"
though she did not pause, the healer and Slave both took in sharp breaths,
"and the stone grounds. I've only ever seen things that really wind
up happening. There was no point in trying to change it. I could not if
I tried."
"Now that's kind of -" The healer began to say something idiotic,
and Faranat stopped him.
"Even if she had protested, you think he'd have stopped? I think
not." Faranat said, grimly, to the healer. He turned back to Steffa.
"You'll stay here for a while. We'll take care of Xemai, and I'll
recommend that he not be kept here. Perhaps not with female Slaves at
Steffa nodded, then went a bit more vacant as she usually appeared. Faranat
told the healer he'd stay up with her, if the Breeder had places to be.
He watched Steffa's eyes cloud over as if in deep memory - but more likely
they were merely hiding the pain she was in.
She'd been through a lot. In her fifty five years as a Slave she'd seen
many things. Her brother Ked sold off and never seen again. Her father
literally worked to death changing the rocky soil into rich brown arable
dirt. If her mother was still alive, who knew? Surely Steffa would know,
Faranat had a feeling that the young woman would just ... change, if that
happened. She never spoke, not even to acknowledge Lady Szhe's instructions.
At first, Szhe would punish her for not responding, but then simply realized
that the girl was hardly protesting - she was doing her work and didn't
say anything because she was trying to drown out reality.
Perhaps her reality was far worse than Faranat could imagine. If she could
see people doing things... Her own ability had allowed their family to
elude their captors for the better part of a decade - so why not now?
Why did she feel that she deserved this treatment?
Faranat realized he'd gone totally soft for her. She was a pretty young
woman, but not even half of his age, and he felt ... well, he felt far
more than grandfatherly toward her. While it might not be true that she
deserved to have been attacked, she certainly had a sort of appeal that
even an aged man like he could appreciate.
"You get some sleep," Faranat instructed, and then lifted her
chin to hope for another glimpse into her eyes. "I'll be here. Don't
dream about bad things, Steffa. Only dream of good things."
She blinked, and said, "I dream of freedom, just like any other forced
Slave. You've never known it, so you wouldn't have this fear. This ache."
Though he wanted to seek truth in the depths of her eyes, it was his turn
to look away. Concern folded his white-grey brows together. "...
My family has always served. It is all we know. I wonder what it was like
to run free and only answer to your parents call, instead of the demands
of a Lord or Lady. Lady Szhe has always -"
"That bitch can rot in the sea. She took my father - she sent my
mother away forever, and she sold my brother. What kind of woman can do
that? Barren iced-over brute."
Faranat's eyes grew very wide indeed.
"I would never have thought that a woman who'd never spoken two words
in fifty years would have such a vocabulary," he said with half a
grin. Steffa looked back up, eyes brighter with a bit of anger and hate,
but then changed to a suddenly bemused look.
She started to laugh - but it turned into a wailing sob. Faranat remained
by her side, until the mid morning of the next day, hugging her and singing
old songs to her in a quiet, broken voice.
"He probably has quite a lot of good working years in him, so don't
look at that age group and think he's not worth having." Said Master
Hwroo to the crowd as they looked over their pamphlets. "He's quite
docile now but he'd been used for more dangerous work in his youth, and
is very well trained. He has done exceptionally well in personal service
in his later years."
The Membayar running this Hard Stock auction for Lady Szhe's estate looked
over the few things that he knew about any of her Slaves. The Bayaran
had been raised immediately when she'd died, as per the law, but the Slaves
had to be sold to cover any other expenses. Since she had no family of
her own, she'd willed a number of things to he and his company, which
was kind of her. But she'd also stipulated that when she died, if some
project or other was not finished - it be destroyed and not given off
to some 'undeserving Holder'. That was a great pity, Hwroo thought, since
that big stoneworks in the scrub desert she owned had almost become the
best quarry site on all Kiran.
He'd thought about ignoring or changing that portion of the documentation,
in fact. But... Instead he chose to ignore the 'destroying' part, and
simply let the property go untended. There would be no point in honoring
her wishes when he knew they were purely out of spite.
"But this Slave is quite elderly," said one younger Lord of
Faranat. It was true, he wasn't doddering yet, but he was rather old,
and starting to look it. He looked rather offended, as well.
Mostly because he'd been expected - by the other servants and Bayaran
anyway - to have Inherited something, or at the very least been Raised
to Worker for his long service to the Lady. That too, was something Hwroo
didn't understand about Szhe's wishes. She really was a genuine cold article.
So perhaps it was a good thing she couldn't have had children.
Hwroo turned his attention on Faranat, and then to the young Lord. "Well,
then Lord Bex should probably move along to the younger stock. There are
dozens of useful ones, so if this one does not please his eyes perhaps
another shall." The Master was quite good at making these upstart
Owners feel good about themselves - at the same time as insulting them.
Of course, most Lords were good at the opposite, regarding their Membayar
counterparts like him.
Faranat didn't like the idea of being put into an auction, especially
one like this. He was a personal bodyguard, a servant who was meant to
be close at hand to things private - not to be suddenly sent to a kitchen
or made into a butler. Szhe had trusted him with such personal actions
that he truly wondered what had gotten into her when she wrote her will.
It must have slipped her mind that when she was young, and he barely younger,
they'd even become lovers for a moment.
...And perhaps that moment was it, he thought back while the Master began
selling some of the field workers and stone quarry hands. Perhaps it was
when she was forced to realize she didn't need to protect herself from
an unwanted pregnancy - that she started to hate her Slaves so much.
Yet there would always be a spark of love in him, for his cold Lady. Faranat
was almost embarrassed to admit it. Especially now. There was no need
to defend her actions - she'd said and done whatever she felt like and
now was having her final laugh at them all. Suddenly he felt like spitting
on her grave.
When someone shouted, "How much for the cat-eyed one?" Faranat's
attention sharpened back onto the auction. Steffa had largely turned back
into her sullen, vacant self after a while. She would come to him, privately,
to cry or to laugh or even to share her body willingly. He had been greatly
flattered then, and was prouder of himself now for never having told Szhe.
"Welllll, this one is a bit of a quandary - she's a solid worker,
nice muscularity - but the notes have it that she won't speak."
"Won't or can't?" Someone else asked, and Hwroo checked his
"Says won't. Has been known to. But as I said, she's documented as
a hard worker. Doesn't complain either."
Muttering ran through the assembled buyers. Faranat stepped with his typical
confidence from his slightly sequestered area, to the ground. And the
muttering stopped - then became quite heated.
"With respect, Master," Faranat said, "Steffa is ... a
very special woman."
The Membayar was able to curb his tongue, but several of the Owners and
High Holders in the auction area didn't, and said things like 'special
to you' and 'servant to a servant' but they ignored them.
"She is very well Bred, even though her paperwork will not show that.
She is descended from Beast masters and strong psionics run in her family."
Carefully, Faranat glanced at Steffa whose expression did not change -
but he felt a strangely familiar tingling. He knew she would rather have
him running things, than any stranger from some agency.
"She has been known to foretell the future - for her own self, not
for others," Faranat looked at the young Lordlings thinking they
could somehow control it for themselves, "And she does show a strong
connection to wildlife when it's nearby."
"You're saying this is a Tuned Slave?" Someone said, and her
long fur-covered ears and silken coat of downy yellow fur gave her away
easily as an Animal Master herself.
"I cannot say whether she is tuned so strongly as to become your
equal, BeastMistress," Faranat said.
Through this all, some of the Lords and High Masters were concerned that
Master Hwroo wasn't properly controlling the auction. But then again,
he wasn't a Lord - he was merely a Membayar - and didn't have the proper
skills to put this old Slave in his place.
The Animal Mistress came forward, and bowed a bit to Hwroo, asking, "may
I see her closely?"
"...Of course," Hwroo said, standing aside. The line of Slaves
went on in clumps for half a Unit, gatherings of field workers and quarrymen,
and a house full of personal Slaves, they were all rather well behaved,
but most didn't want to be there at all. But they all knew the penalty
for trying to run away. Look at Steffa.
The mutated younger Animal Mistress - gathering her own set of stares
and mutterings when she came to the line of Slaves - looked or tried to
anyway, at Steffa's eyes.
"It's okay," she said softly. "I can feel your anger and
pain. Your friend is quite loyal to you," she gently looked away
and at Faranat, who hadn't quite heard it from his distance. "Would
you like to come with me, and see what you could do with your abilities?
I can see they've been sorely neglected for many years. But that could
change easily."
Steffa swallowed and blinked, looking back up at the brown-red eyes of
her buyer, and said, "only if he comes with me," in a low voice.
"Of course. I can do that."
The woman turned on her oddly shaped heel (she was for all the world,
an upright yellow-colored rabbit. No one had seen such a thing around
here in Aakal.) and went to pay for the pair. That was all she wanted,
really, now that she could do so legally, the Animal Mistress wanted to
flex her own buying power.
She wasn't all that good at deciding how to command the Slaves, some Lady
or Lord noticed. She was rather soft about it. Asking instead of telling
them, to come to her side when the transaction was finished. How simple
of her. Those strange Animal Masters were just not quite cut out for this
ownership deal, were they? Well, not in the proper ways at least. If they
required Slaves to run their homesteads while they did more important
things, of course, that was one thing. But...
Steffa clung on to Faranat's long and somewhat bony arm, as they left.