Create a Zekiran

Fertility, Age, Lifespan

Please note that this character chart does not include Dragon Master, Dragon Breeder or Rogue status. For those please go to the Dragonmasters of Zekira website. The information there may conflict slightly with this normal timeline.

Sex and Fertility - the Breeding of a character determines what kind of Fertility a female will have, but not males.

Male/Even Female/Odd

Gender / Fertility Hyperfertile Normal Semifertile Partially Infertile
Male 1 2-3 4-6 7-8 9-10
Female (naturally bred) n/a 1 2-4 5-7 8-10
Female (bred 1-2) 1 2 3-5 6-8 9-10
Female (bred 3-4) 1 2-3 4-6 7-8 9-10
Female (bred 5-6) 1 2-4 5-7 8-9 10

If desired, a result of Normal fertility may indicate the presence of Hyperfertility, roll again and if the roll is 1 that is the fertility level. (It is that rare, but it does continue in Breeding situations and family lines.)

Normal - Male is capable of siring children with a fairly fertile woman at any time, Female is capable of carrying one child every ten years or so
Semi - Male is capable of siring children 60% of the time, Female is capable of carrying one child every thirty years
Partial - Male is capable of siring children only 25% of the time, Female is capable of carrying perhaps only one child ever
Infertile - Male is incapable of siring children due to lack of proper sperm count, Female cannot concieve and/or carry children, but may have viable ova or be able to carry another's child to term instead of her own

If Infertile is rolled in a Bred individual (of either gender) it may indicate an inability to actually Breed with normal people, or that they are so heavily spliced together that they don't stand a chance of being able to have sex with someone.

An example of that would be Aniva Kstet Kshau, who is a centauroid cat-splice, whose skin is not only covered with fur, but also with long, dangerous spines! Her tail is even spiked, and no one in their right mind would want to have sex with her, at least not without some really heavy skin protection! Aniva is a terribly, terribly lonely woman. "But she's still cute!"

Young Zekirans are usually taught at a fairly early age about fertility, conception and sex - most often in that order. The responsibility of sex and pregnancy are important, as well as the need for children not to be bearing children without preparation.

Note with fertility: Female Hyperfertile characters and Hyperfertile people in general - if over 30 years of age - WILL have at least one child. If this young woman is of Bayaran or Slave status, their Master or Lord pretty much controls the child when it's born. Best to hope that the child is born after that Bond is paid off.

The first time a Hyperfertile woman goes into "heat" she is often around 20 years old, sometimes younger, and unless she is already aware of the consequences of her biology (only about 30% of Breeders other than 6th Degree actually acknowledge Hyperfertility!) she WILL find a male who is available, and she WILL conceive, unless he is COMPLETELY infertile. Even the most narrow margin of fertility in males provides all a Hyper female needs. Of course, she'll keep him trapped in a frenzy of sex for up to a FULL DAY until she's conceived to do this...

For Hyperfertile males, it is a little different. Most of them are especially tuned in to the appropriate females, but they stand a far greater chance of fertilizing any slightly fertile woman than normal. Their instincts however also mean that if another Hyperfertile male is near by, they will - um - fight. Unless the female in both their sights wants to entertain both of them, she'll often simply let them beat on each other until a winner is apparent. How barbaric.

Fertility Breakdowns: in the BEST of circumstances, these are the players rolls if they're trying to concieve, as in they're being Bred or attempting to get into the Breeding arena. How to use this? Get out your dice. Percentile. Start rolling... It's assumed that this isn't a one-shot bang-boom-bam thankyouma'am event. It's more that the couple is trying repeatedly over the course of the woman's fertile time (about a week, and it's guesswork really).

Male / ................../ Female Hyperfertile Normal Semi Partial Infertile
Hyperfertile 100% 50% 20% 10% 1/1000
Normal 75% 10% 5% 1% ?
SemiFertile 10% 5% 1% 1/1000 ?
Partially Fertile 5% 1% 1/1000 ? ?
Infertile 1% 1/1000 ? ? ?

? Indicates that it is possible for this character to breed only through intervention of a clinical Breeder - usually 6th degree because they can simply pick and choose what genes to use.
Breeder Conditions raise all Normal, Semi and Partial chances by 50% of their chances (so a 1/2 chance is raised to 3/4), Hypers don't need it.

There are few stigmas about age, though the lack of experience that younger characters have might impact their lives. Usually the intent with the characters in the World of Zekira setting is to play from their youth into their old age if possible. There are so many ways to die along the journey that it's unlikely that they will actually make it to that ripe old age, but it's possible.

It is assumed that the starting age minimum includes the character having already passed their Status exam - or perhaps that should be their first adventure. Skills might be adjusted according to age: an extremely young character might be limited as to their skill placement or the variety of skills they can devote their Education points to buying. That is entirely up to the Game Holder and players, not a rule.

Starting Age is determined either by personal taste or need of the story, or randomly as follows:
Slave, Bayaran, AM 10+5d10
FreeW, LH 15+5d10
Membayar, Owner 15+6d10
Suzerain, High Owner 20+6d10
Breeder 15+6d10+1 year per Degree attained
High Holder 15+7d10

Any of these may be altered for personal taste, playing a really old Slave (over 200) or a very young High Holder is entirely possible and encouraged for role-playing fun, but this chart expresses the averages found which would be best for starting character use. Usually people above Bayaran will have to have worked a bit to get their current standings, particularly their Holdings. Breeders and Suzerain have had the most time devoted to education, while Slaves, Bayaran folks and the occasional Animal Master might be fresh to their station. Animal Masters and Slaves are often the youngest members of a party, Breeders and High Holders the oldest. Optionally, High Owners are often younger than the Suzerain roll might indicate, but that is entirely up to during what years the game is being played.

Maximum Age, or Lifespan, is determined either by game play (killing them off), mutations (short or long age), or rolling. Average is mainly going to be 200, but there are exceptions. This chart pretty much stands for all eras.
Slave, Bayaran 230 minus 1d10x10 (130-220)
FreeWorker, LH 200 +/- 1d5 (1d10: 1-5 = negative 1-5x10; 6-10 = positive 1-5x10) (150-250)
Membayar, Suzerain 150 plus 1d10x10 (160-250)
Owner, H'O 140 plus 1d10x10 (150-240)
Animal Master 130 plus 2d6x10 (150-250)
Breeder (if born into) 130 plus 1d12x10 (140-250)
High Holder 150 plus 1d12x10 (160-270)

Note that High Holders and Membayar tend to live longer in general, a result of their carefully spent lives. Owners dismally neglect to live properly, mostly being the party-till-you-drop types, right?

Also note: certain mutations and Powers (such as Self-Healing, Healing or Regeneration) may add years or even decades to a character's potential. Discuss this if you roll those types of powers, with the Game Holder.
Visit the Powers and Mutations section and then return to the Appearance charts.


The effects of age on a Zekiran are mild, however the closer to their final age they get, they do decrease in abilities and sensibility.

Age Infant (first 3 years) Child (up to 11) Youth (up to about 20) Adult (70% of their lifespan) Mature (about 20 years before death) Aged (by 5 years to death)
Effects No stat over 20 Str, Hea, Soc, Cou not over 40 All stats within 80% of full Full Stats, no changes Rea, Agi, Str at 70% of full, apparent Edu at plus 20 All stats no greater than 50% of full, Agi and Rea no higher than 50
Social Shown off at parties Begins education Passes Status exams Professional, hobby, etc Usually retires Examining Will and Inheritors for who gets what