Bayaran Status We don't mean 'honor' when we talk about Debt |
Bayaran Far more men than women are Bayaran. The endless stream of entertainment
waiting the Free Worker on his off time seems to attract bets, bills and
tabs. The largest percentage of Free Worker Bonds owes itself to betting
on races. Only in dire circumstances does a Bayaran not return to Free
status: death or illness that prevents payment work to be completed. In
this event, a relative must opt to take the Bayaran's place. This can
be frightening, and humiliating, particularly to wives of habitual gamblers.
If a debt is not paid off in one generation, the next must take its place.
And so on, until the money is no longer owed. Some local laws prohibit
rapid payment through a twisted maze of Membayar logic, while others are
precisely the opposite. The cities contain more of the lenient payment
systems, simply for lack of time to do otherwise. No one wants a family
out on the street because one of them is a fool. Generational Bonds are
rather insidious, for if a Bayaran family member dies, and their younger
children must keep up the debt payment, it's tantamount to Ownership:
until they are of age (usually 13 or after the completion of their education)
the child cannot work off the debt! This is the case with Breeder/Membayar,
mostly, a certain amount of money is set to Raise the offspring which
usually means they are in Bond until they're about 30. Since many Free Workers are in some way affected by laws regarding Bonding,
they tend to keep up on the legislation involved. But unfortunately, if
a Worker becomes Bayaran more than the locally imposed limits, they lose
all rights to vote, even after paying back. Only the wisest Free Workers
never lose that right. The so-called "Myriad Paths to Bayaran City" all come down
to one single word, one concept which rules all Zekira. When a person goes into Bond, it is always to a person or company which
is paying their debt to whomever is owed in their stead. There are several
types of Bayaran: First Timers, Habitual Bayaran, and Generation Bonds. First Timers have just recently incurred a debt of some kind,
be it through an accident causing property damage or loss of life/limb,
attempting to purchase something far too expensive for their ability or
losing their job while they were still paying something off on installments
otherwise, or by Gambling Losses. The last category is the most common
for men, and the most common for men of Owner Status, when they dip albeit
briefly into Bayaran. The results of being a First Timer are about the
same as the first speeding ticket someone on Earth gets: a slap on the
wrist and a warning not to do it again. Of course this might not include
being sued for damages by the injured parties, but often the Bond amount
includes that potential. The amount of the debt has a lot to do with the
actual time spent working in Bond to an agency, but if it is a gambling
debt usually it isn't very long. For property damage, of course, it's
up to the person who Holds the property to accept or deny the money from
a Membayar. Many times, if a Membayar or someone capable of Bonding has
been offered the opportunity, they will take the Bayaran on themself,
and all the Bayaran can do is hope they have nothing personally against
them. Loss of life always involves courts and their decisions are final,
and usually amounts to quite a lot of debt. Accidentally killing someone
- and being able to prove that it was an accident - can actually get by
without any debt. Very very rarely. This is talking about FreeWorkers
and Land Holders, though. Above those and being able to prove anything
was accidental is suspicious itself! Generally speaking, and greatly depending
on where the person lives or works, a person can go into Bond three times
before they might be considered an Habitual Bayaran. Some places it happens
on the second time! Some, never. The more racing debts being incurred
in a place - usually the higher number of times before becoming Habitual.
There are towns where there is so much post-race debt that half the work
force is Bayaran at a time! Habitual Bayaran are people who - even though they've been warned
and Bonded before - continue to run into debt time and time again. Either
through being a total klutz and breaking things or buildings, by having
accidents at work and losing job time, or continuing their losing streak
at the betting palaces. Surprisingly, more women than men are Habitual
Bayaran. Draw the obvious connection to the overly-obvious and terribly
stereotyped "woman shopping with a credit card" and leave it
at that. It is true on Zekira, if not on Earth. That isn't saying that
no men are Habitual Bayaran! Most of the men who are, got that way because
they bet very poorly, and never give up. Once a person has been legally
labeled Habitual, their FreeWorker rights are stunted. They may no longer
vote, and they can never attain a higher Status! Basically, it's expected
that they will continue to screw up, and so long as they do, why ought
not the rights reflect this? There are Habitual Bayaran houses, debt collections
agents who know their clientele by name and case number. Most often, unless
the Bayaran specifically and vocally requests it, the same company or
person will hold the Bond every time. Once a Habitual starts, it's usually
a down hill slide into either Slavery - see below as Permanent Bond -
or if they do it until they die, Generation Bond. Generation Bonds are an unhappy lot. Any Bayaran who is born into
their Status is a Generation Bond, and their parents are to blame. Massive
debts (a building being demolished falls the wrong way and kills two High
Holders and a Breeder; betting everything on a blown out nag with half
a wing; hired on across the ocean and getting that Unit in Telva and then
suddenly losing the job) might be best off served by more than one person.
It is not necessary that the Bayaran dies to incur a Generation Bond,
but that is the most usual manner. They may still be too injured to work,
mentally incapable of it, or just too damned lazy. If they can convince
their family to work with or even for them, they've got that right. Habitual
Bayaran don't, usually, by the way. They work together as much as it takes
to pay off the debt. The other side of Generation Bond are those left
by dead Bayaran parents. If under ten years old, and without any other
relatives to aid them, the children of the Bayaran automatically are deferred
to the Bond Agent until they're able to work off the debt. They have absolutely
no say otherwise, and most often these children are extremely bitter about
the whole thing. As mentioned elsewhere, Generation Bonds who clear the
debt eventually rarely if ever become Bayaran themselves. Once they have
paid the debt they are FreeWorker and have a completely fresh slate to
start with. They can attain higher Status. Depending on how old the child
or children are when their parent leaves the debt, they are educated as
per Slaves but with a bit more emphasis on personal goals and attaining
them. It has been known to have happened in extremely rare cases that
a Generation Bonded child was not informed that they were going to be
paying off a debt. Note well that this is illegal and is not tolerated
openly by anyone! If any one single Status was said to be pitied or looked
on with a soft heart, it is the Generation Bonds. Permanent Bonding, or falling from Bayaran Status into Slave Status
is not as rare as it may seem, though only a small portion of the Bayaran
population ever worries about it. Mostly it is Habitual Bayaran who become
Permanently Bonded, with the odd Generation Bond giving it up and surrendering
to the Bayaran Desperation. It simply means that the person in question
fully admits they cannot pay back the debt and offers themself up for
sale. Many Bond companies specialize only in Bayaran finances, they cannot
take someone into Slavery. This gives the Bond agent the ability to be
repaid by the amount of the debt left, the monetary value of a person
is equal to their remaining debt. Yes, it's very sad, to Earthers, but
it happens all the time on Zekira. The remaining time of the Permanently
Bonded person's life is then spent as a Slave, working most likely in
the same fashion they had been before they went into debt, but now completely
without pay. With luck they are Owned by a person or agency that takes
good care of their Slaves, because all of their rights are now Slave's
rights. Bayaran must work off their debt in whatever way their Bond agent requires
of them. Most times, this means they will simply be doing their job -
with what equates to Earthly wage-garnishing. Sometimes heavily garnished,
sometimes completely. Varying by City and Area, the laws regarding how
much a Bayaran may or may not pay back at a time differ vastly. It is
still illegal to drive Bayaran into Permanence but it is hard to prove
without having access to every scrap of paperwork the agency uses. When
asked, a Bayaran is required - but can contest - to change their profession
to suit the needs of the agency. Retraining may actually cost the Bayaran
and increase their debt! Every agency is different, however, and though
the laws change over the centuries, it is uncommon for a Bond Agency to
request these potentially drastic changes to their lifestyle. Mostly,
skills and present work count for a lot. Spending months or often years as Bayaran takes its toll on people. Their
will is usually the first thing hit, and their confidence is next. Bayaran
Desperation is what Psyche healers call it, it is a clinical term which
means the person has extremely low self-esteem, is often suicidal, or
is so worn from working without pay (often going hungry or cold because
of home-debts outside their Bond) that they feel at the end of their rope.
If a Bayaran (or most other people for that matter) is determined to have
Bayaran Desperation by a professional Healer, they may apply for a temporary
lifting of their Bayaran Status. Most but not all Bond agents are amenable
to this, but the time let off in this fashion is more precious than many
Bayaran know: there's this thing called "interest"... Being in Bond only technically affects the person Bonded. Their inability
to pay something back is really the only thing they should be concerned
about. If they are married (most Bayaran are not!) their mate can legally
offer to help out, but most often it is only in the hands of offspring
or genetic relatives. Bayaran refer to their agents as Master, if they are formal about it.
They can live where they want, but if the agent is able and amenable to
it, they may be offered housing or room and board for reasonable amounts
of pocket change. They do not have to obey their Master, if acting as
a personal servant during Bond. They can argue all they want, they can
even refuse to do something. Bayaran Game Information Who You Are Bonded To... Where You Are... What You Do... How Breeding Has Affected You... Why You Are Bonded... A certain amount of your income every month is devoted to paying off the loan but keeping you in debt is always fun for the Membayar agent. It is possible for different Membayar to see things very differently: some offer free room and board while paying off this debt, some insist that rent be paid in addition to the huge portion of debt payment - cycling to new debt again. Generation Bonds as stated elsewhere cannot start actually paying off any debt legally until they are at least 12 or 13 years of age and have passed all of their earlier education exams. People born to Generation Bond are most bitter, particularly at their now-deceased parents, who have left them with this debt. Once a Generation Bond is cleared, it can be noted, usually those people do not manage to get themselves back into Bayaran again, knowing what it's like seems to have a great effect. How You Change Title...
Bond Kyoh (the orange-skinned one smirking in the fuschia shirt) is in Bayaran to his Master the dark-skinned Haesh Chanay. He has a number of years to go before he'll be paid off, but even afterwards, they remain close friends. He eventually marries Bepa the Animal Mistress!